Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hip Hop is Alive...I have proof

Hey kids...

You don't know me. Well, maybe some of you do. It's 4:45 am and I have nothing better to do besides go to sleep. Being a law student, I need to consume my spare time with things that interest me. So, basically, there are two things that interest me. One is sports. I will not write about sports that much, because not everyone gives a shit about who I root for because they might not be from the Chi, as I am, or they simply don't follow sports. But sometimes when I'm pissed off or really happy about something going on in the sports world, I will write about it, so deal with it. But mostly, this blog will revolve around my other interest, Hip-Hop. I'm not really sure how to introduce a blog, so I hope I'm starting this off in the right fashion. Whatever, I actually don't give a shit. The reason I'm starting this blog is because I am a passionate person. Many of my friends don't know this about me. Many do. The type of person that when I hear a great flow over a perfect beat to match the flow, I get goosebumps and immediately instant message or call one of my few friends that would actually give a shit. I don't have many friends who like Hip-Hop, which means I don't have many friends who appreciate the passion that I share for the music, so this will be an outlet to express my opinions on various hip-hop artists and the hip-hop scene in general for people who care or don't know about the hip-hop scene and would like to know more. So there you go, that is my intro...As for the proof that Hip-Hop is alive...there's a lot. Mainly myself. I see myself as the greatest judge of hip-hop music there is. You might be thinking to yourself...everyone likes different types of music, how can what you say be the final say? Cuz it is. I am the final say. It's that simple, what everyone else thinks is bullshit and biased. I know a good flow when I hear it. I know a great beat when I hear it. I know a great song when I hear it. I will be giving you my opinions on all of these shortly...



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