Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mr. Britney Spears No More

Apparently, the newest rapper to enter the game, Kevin Federline aka K-Fed aka CEO of Federation Records aka Mr. Britney Spears will actually no longer be known as Mr. Britney Spears. Looks like Britney finally had enough of the wannabe thug backup dancer turned gangsta rapper. What a fraud...quit playin'. I'm sure many Britney fanatics are thrilled, including my girlfriend. I personally don't give a shit. I have yet to listen to K-Fed's new cd entitled "Playing With Fire", but I hear it's getting mixed reviews, which is somewhat surprising because I expected this cd to be bashed more than any other in history. Maybe some solid production and ghostwriting saved K-Fed's solo rap debut? Maybe I'll check it out for myself, when I have nothing better to do, such as watch paint dry. But seriously, I'll see if it's worth a listen and get back to ya'll. Anyway, to read more about Britney and K-Fed's demise, go to www.tmz.com.



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