Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Game Sells 380,000...Debuts at #1

Man...people take everything Game says so seriously. You dick-riders and playa-haters need to chill the ef out. If Game doesn't sell a mill just because he said he would, it's not the end of his career. Believe it or not. On every website I go to, people are flipping out because Game said he was gonna sell a mill the first week and that if he doesn't do at least 700,000 then he's retiring to rent out jet-ski's in Jamaica. Do you morons think he's serious? I mean maybe, just maybe...and I'm going out on a limb here...I know it's crazy for me to say this...but quite you think that he was just trying to promote his new CD? Is it possible? Is it really possible that dude didn't actually think he would sell a mill or 700,000 and was just trying to promote himself? I dunno. It could be possible. And it could be possible that if he doesn't sell exactly what he said he would sell ( and he made these statements in public, which is definitely not what his real opinions are)...then maybe his career will survive? I think he just might be ok.

Now that I'm done with my little rant...back to business. The Game has debuted at number one on the Billboard charts selling close to 380,000 records his first week. These numbers are according to the website, which counts record sales, and they are not official. The official numbers come out tomorrow and they might be slightly different. Either way, I would say this is fairly impressive. Let's make some comparisons. There were many rap albums released in the year we currently live in, 2006. There has been one that went platinum, T.I.-King. King sold 500,000 copies its first week. The next highest selling rap album of this year...Ludacris-Release Therapy. This album sold 309,800 copies its first week, and has sold 681,744 total thus far. Then there were notable highly acclaimed releases like Lupe Fiasco's Food and Liquor and Method Man-4:21 The Day After, which both sold virtually nothing. Then there were the previously successful and marketable artists who released cd's, like Busta Rhymes-The Big Bang, which came out in the summer and has peaked at around 500,000 copies sold. Then there is one of Game's arch-rivals, Lloyd Banks, who only sold 143,000 copies his first week and has maxed out at around 270,000 after almost a month and a half. The market for rap music is clearly in crisis. I would say that Game's debut, the second highest rap debut of 2006 (which is likely to be surpassed by the likes of Jay-Z starting tomorrow) is pretty damn impressive. He will probably go gold by next week, and be platinum in a month. So anyone who is selling Game short, it's time for a reality check...cuz the kid did it. All I gotta say is congrats to him on a classic album both commercially and musically. Cop the album.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

game is bringing back the realness in hip hop.....
i heard the jay z album shit is soft!

1:18 PM  

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