Thursday, November 23, 2006

Nas Performing Hip-Hop is Dead With's Cray-Z HAHA's almost surreal. Jay-Z and Nas on stage together, embracing each other. What in the world? Anyway, this is a video of Nas performing Hip-Hop is Dead, the title track off his new album. I like the song, I just don't get it. Why is he using the Thief's Theme beat? Isn't it weird to use the same beat that you've used for one of your singles in the past? Am I the only one who noticed this? Did he think that Thief's Theme got that badly slept on where no one will notice that he used the same beat? This is madness. Where's the creativity? Maybe this is why Hip-Hop is dying Nas...lack of creativity. People are getting too lazy to use new beats for their new songs, so they recycle them. I dunno, maybe he's just trying to make some sort of statement. If I ever run into him, I'll ask him. At least the performance is solid. Props to for posting the latest videos.



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