Saturday, December 02, 2006

Young Buck IS A SPAZ

Apparently, the brainiac known as Young Buck has done some stupid ish once again. I mean it's not like he's on probation for trying to STAB SOME DUDE WITH A BUTTER-KNIFE AT THE VIBE AWARDS, or being arrested a 100 times for carrying concealed weapons. Let's face it, this dude is a flat-out dumbass. In his latest stunt, Buck was getting ready to perform at some concert event in the ATL and a certain Radio and BME DJ named DJ Will dropped Game's "One Blood." Buck, being the whiny baby that he is, similar to the rest of G-Unit, got all upset and took the DJ playing "One Blood" personally. That's what I call getting emotional. Practice what you preach you, dudes is becoming EMOOOO HAHA. So Buck came up to DJ Will, grabbed him by the shirt and was ready to throw down. Before it got down to fisticuffs, Buck's entourage must've gotten in his ear and convinced his dumbass to get out of the club and they left. Now, Buck is banned from the prosperout ATL radio station that DJ Will works for, and DJ's from across the nation, including some big names like Kay Slay and Clue, had a conference call trying to reach a resolution regarding Young Buck. It's pretty serious folks. I guess DJ's are scared that it could happen to them, because you know what? It can. With morons like Young Buck running around taking offense to a song being played, who knows what can happen. Rappers...stop being emotional and grow up pussies. If you wanna read an article on the here.



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